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Job Opening: Care Officer - Region 6

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  Location: Region 6

Job Details


IDEALS, Inc. is looking for a CARE Officer who can join our team in the Region 6: Negros Occidental. Please send your application through this link (http://bit.ly/apply-idealsinc). Only applications submitted to this form will be evaluated.

Contract: Professional Service Contract/ Part-time (remote work with frequent fieldworks)

Program Involved: Upscaling Programs and Services to the Communities Affected by and Living with HIV to end the Epidemic (PROTECTS 2- GC7)

Scope of Work of the Team Member:
* Coordinate and network with CBOs and government offices with interest in human rights, public health, and general concerns of Key Populations;
* Collaborate with Regional Project Officers and other stakeholders in the region;
* Do a lot of fieldwork and attend meetings and relevant engagements;
* Refer cases of human rights violations of PLHIVs and KPs;
* Perform other duties under policy advocacy, capacity building, and case management units as required to facilitate the delivery of the project.
* The CARE Partner is expected to complete a minimum of fifteen (15) hours per week to deliver expected outputs and duties.

Necessary Qualifications:
* At least a high school graduate.
* Experience in working with civil society organizations (CSOs), community-based organizations (CBOs), or non-government organizations (NGOs).
* Excellent communication, organizational, and interpersonal skills are required.
* Leadership qualities, analytical skills, collaborative and consultative, and can work well with a team.
* Able to do fieldwork and attend meetings and relevant engagements.
* Preferably a member of Key Populations - Men having Sex with Men (MSM) Transgender Women (TGW), Young Key Populations (YKPs), and Persons Who Inject Drugs (PWID)/Persons Who Use Drugs (PWUD).
* Should reside within the region assigned.

Desirable Qualifications:
* With knowledge on legal or paralegal studies.
* With training on human rights documentation, human rights-based approach services, legal research, and legal writing.
* Experience in working with or engaging with government agencies such as but not limited to Barangay Officials and Local Government Unit Officials.

IDEALS maintains a zero-tolerance stance on allegations of Protection from Sexual Exploitation, Abuse, and Harassment (PSEAH). Any reported instances of PSEAH will be promptly and thoroughly addressed and responded in accordance with established protocols such as asking for character references. We are committed to ensuring a safe and respectful environment for all individuals associated with our organization, and we take all allegations seriously, prioritizing the well-being and dignity of those involved. False accusations will also be addressed appropriately, ensuring fairness and due process while upholding our unwavering commitment to combatting PSEAH in all its forms.

We are a non-profit, non-stock legal focused advocacy and service institution organized to address the legal and technical needs of the marginalized, disempowered and vulnerable groups, particularly the agrarian beneficiaries, farmer-traders, migrant sector of society, persons and communities affected by disasters, and victims of human rights violations.

Follow us on Twitter (@idealsorgph), visit our Facebook Page, check out our website (ideals.org.ph) to see our work, and monitor our recruitment website (https://www.idealsorg.work/careers) for future job openings.

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