Eighty teams of elementary students from various parts of the world battled it out at the VEX Robotics World Championship at the Kay Bailey Hutchison Convention Center in Dallas, Texas.

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Among them were representatives from the Philippines hailing from West Rembo Elementary School in Taguig City, namely Zyric Abines, Cassandra Elyze Cruz, Rio Dames, and Andrew Lejarso.

The four students took part in the Parade of Countries that kicked off the competition for the elementary level on May 1, 2024. They then competed in the Math competition on May 2. According to the latest report that Taguig.com gathered from Coach Richard Abines, the Philippine team ranked 51st among the 80 teams.

At the opening of the competition, Dan Mantz, CEO of the Robotics Education and Competition Foundation, encouraged the participants to continue challenging themselves to be "more creative, innovative and dedicated."

"Remember, you are learning far more than simply how to program a robot. You are learning how to think, how to communicate ideas, how to test ideas, how to overcome challenges, hopefully how to listen, and how to work as a team even if you're with people that you don't really like," Mantz said in his speech.

Bob Mimlitch, co-founder of Vex Robotics, said that the competition is about more than just robots.

"It's about innovation, it's about perseverance, it's about a community. We provide a global stage for the students to showcase incredible feats of engineering that you all built," Mimlitch stated.

Meanwhile, Dr. Elle Whitney, co-founder of the Grace Hopper Celebration, was honored as the 2024 STEM Hero Awardee for bringing together women in the computing sector to further strengthen technology among women.

The Vex Robotics World Championship will conclude on May 3, 2024.